Controlling Windows#

The windows on docked the side of the screen can be any of these five windows: Project, Tools, Layer Manager, Volume Viewer, and Provenance windows. Each of these widows can be closed by pressing on the close button ../../../../_images/close_window.png and opened by choosing the window from the Window menu or using hot key. When opened, the window will appear in the last location used, or the default if never opened. The windows can also be detached from the side (by pressing the detach button ../../../../_images/dock.png and reattached to the side by moving the window close to the side of the Seg3D window, or by double clicking on the window header. Any detached window can be moved by clicking and dragging on the window header and resized by clicking and dragging on the corner of the window. Attached windows can also be resized by clicking and dragging on border between it and the viewing panels, but are more limited in the changes allowed.